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Version History

v4.202 Epsilon

The site now has a search-tags element for better search.
epsilon hundredth search custom elements

v4.201 Epsilon

This is a bugfix update, to attempt to fix an issue with typography. Material Design Components are now served locally again, but from a new location. Material Design Components has been updated to include chips. Non-critical MDC elements are now loaded asynchronously to save on inital page load times.
epsilon thousandth bugfix important mdc material

v4.2 Epsilon

There is now more than just links in the toolbar. There is now a searchbar, and an apps button. The apps button opens a menu with links to notebook, and nth-frame. The searchbar lets you search the site for a specific keyword. It looks through the text inside cards, and puts those in a list.

v4.11 Epsilon

There's now a news page! At the end of the latest section, there's a button for "more news". This button takes you to the news page. The news page has all the same articles as the latest section, but has no limit on the amount. The latest section on the homepage is now limited to 10 articles.

v4.101 Epsilon

The menu button now has an animated entrance, a feature cut from Epsilon due to the removal of the page transition system, if the History API is supported. The new transition system now only gets run if the History API is supported.

v4.1 Epsilon

Reintroduces v3.0's internal systems to make page transitions faster. The "Welcome" popup now appears every time there is an update, and lists a brief description of the updates the user missed. Every page now has a page.js file in its directory. This replaces files such as home.js from the previous version.

v4.0 Epsilon

A complete redesign and recode of the site

Version 4.0 Epsilon completely redesigns the site. Internally, the site has also been remade. There's a new code page, with 5 new test pages. The site now works with JavaScript disabled. A lot more has been changed in this version! Click "read" below to see! Warning: A lot of features from previous were removed in this version.

v3.2 Delta

To change between tabs (home, code, and media), you can now use swipe gestures. The videos player has been redesigned. The PiP video player is fully functional! The site now uses CSS grid for a better experience with screen readers, to make the flow of the HTML document make more sense, and to make resizing the page function properly. The card sorting system from v1.43 Beta has been replaced with CSS Grid.

v3.1 Delta

There is now a flags page for changes or options that are in testing. There is a new format for storing options, which uses a JSON object. A new personalization option was added: Menu Locataion. Top or bottom. The menu buttons on the news popout and in the header in version 3.0 now function, bringing up a menu with a few options, including share and a link to options.

v3.0 Delta

index.html is now used to display all pages. 404 redirects to the index. Page changes are handled by JS rather than the browser. This change makes the site much faster. All pages still have their own URL, meaning that sharing still works. This change means features such as the news reader can be loaded from any page. 2 new photos were added.

v2.31 Gamma

News reader has been redesigned. News articles can now be loaded directly from updates page. On supported versions, "more info" opens the news reader rather than the TXT viewer.

v2.3 Gamma

A news page has been added. It has a list of news, including updates, new photos, and more. It loads articles from JSON to be extremely fast. Service worker no longer caches everything loaded, so offline mode finally works properly.

v2.2 Gamma

The homescreen has been redesigned with newsfeeds for news, code, and media. It is loaded from JSON. Material Components have been brought to more parts of the site, and secondary colour is now selectable in options. There are four new images.

v2.1 Gamma

Material Design Components are now fully implemented on the header and Javascript page. The menu has been redesigned as a material design toolbar, with tabs for home, code (JavaScript), and media. The photos page has been completely redesigned, and now correctly loads the image from the URL. There is now an expand/contract button for all sections of cards.

v2.01 Gamma

To improve speed for users with poor network connections, many tweaks have been made for speed. Content of the page, Modernizer, and JQuery are only loaded after everything has finished.

v2.0 Gamma

The site has been completely redesigned! There are now different menus that are loaded in. The site has a segmented design for better offline support. There is now a special message when offline. There is a new "media" page for photos and videos. As with v1.0b, the final beta version, v1.441b, can be found at /beta.

v1.441 Beta

Setup now has a scrollbar. Service worker caches jgames101.github.io/txt. There is now a classic v1.0 theme. Swipe gestures work on the menu!

v1.44 Beta

On supported browsers, images are served over webP. Unsupported browsers are detected with Modernizr. Offline support and PWA are now fixed.

v1.433 Beta

Page titles have been shortened. For example, from "James M | Updates" to "Updates". Cards display like they used to in Alpha when using classic theme.

v1.432 Beta

The setup page for the classic theme now uses the classic fuchsia background. The expand button on the menu is animated when opening or closing the menu. Fixed the resizing bug on mobile.

v1.431 Beta

There is now a photo dark theme. It is the same as the dark theme, but without the black background.

v1.43 Beta

There is now a JavaScript algorythm that sorts cards into columns. It has the same layout as before, with three, two, or one column depending on the device, except cards are right below the ones above them, rather than being pushed down to below the biggest one from the row above.

v1.42 Beta

Vertical Tablet Mode now has the menu bar at the bottom. Options page has slightly changed: Setting a background changes your theme colour, and the colour selector has been moved to legacy options.

v1.41 Beta

Light theme now has a lighter navigation bar, and darker icons and text. Tablet mode now has wide cards for certain things, and should now properly only show on tablets.

v1.4 Beta

A new theme groupd has been added: classic. Classic 0.8a theme has been added. It makes the site look like v0.8a did. Dark theme now works. It is the same as light theme, but with dark grey instead of light grey. There is now a setup page for choosing your background and theme. It should only be displayed when visiting for the first time.

v1.31 Beta

There are two new themes: Light, and Dark. Currently, only light theme works. There is a new mobile options in options, with a toggle for navbar location (top or bottom)

v1.3 Beta

You can now set a theme in options. The themes are in beta, and as such will probably be removed in the future. The photos page has been redesigned with fullscreen, no menu bar, and better button design.

v1.22 Beta

The expand button on mobile is now oriented correctly. The expand button no longer has a scrollbar. JavaScript has a file information card, with a file picker.

v1.21 Beta

Rather than at /updates/info, update information is now read at /txt, a more universal equivilant for my entire site.

v1.2 Beta

Material icons are used for almost all icons, rather than images. There is now a more info button on updates, starting with this version. That button opens a TXT viewer with the text file open.

v1.191 Beta

There is now a 404 page.

v1.19 Beta

JavaScript now has a web browser test. Menu links are no longer clickable when the menu is closed.

v1.181 Beta

Added the touch punch library to get JQuery mouse stuff to work on touchscreens.

v1.18 Beta

New system for forced updates when online. Updates card on the homepage now has two subtitles: Installed version, and latest version.

v1.17 Beta

When changing theme colour, the page now refreshes for the android theme colour. In options, there is a new install section. Currently, there's only a UWP option.

v1.16 Beta

Service worker has been remade so that offline support works again. PWA prompt should now appear.

v1.15 Beta

JavaScript is disabled alert now uses noscript, rather than being hidden by JavaScript on run. JQuery is now loaded locally instead of from Google's CDN.

v1.14 Beta

Added suggested colours to the personalization menu, one for each background.

v1.13 Beta

Chrome for Android theme colour is now dynamic depending on your app theme colour.

v1.12 Beta

Mobile navigation bar fixed, to now only show the first 6 icons at the top, have the expand button, and be a fixed size. Fixed the mobile scrolling problem (extra scrollable space to the right)

v1.11 Beta

JQuery now has a "very basic OS" test.

v1.1 Beta

There is a new JQuery page. It has a draggable test, and a double-click test. Theme colour settings now have a prompt for easier selection.

v1.04 Beta

The Angular page has been fixed. HTML5 page now has a textbox. The alpha site now works properly. There is now an options page. Most elements have a custom context menu.

v1.03 Beta

Setting a background in the JavaScript page now applies to all pages. The darkened background has been removed. There are four new background images.

v1.02 Beta

The mobile navigation bar has been redesigned. It is now positioned at the top.

v1.01 Beta

Mobile background fixed.

v1.0 Beta

The menu has been replaced by a bar. You can click the expand button to open it, and it will appear similar to the menu from v0.8, but with icons at the left. When not expanded, the icons remain on the left, being clickable. All pages now have a viewport, so no pages will face the angular issue of being too small on mobile. Updated theme colour for Android. There's now a custom scrollbar!

v0.8 Alpha

JavaScript now has a background changer, notification generator, and two-way temperature converter. JavaScript and Angular have a fullscreen "this page will not work without JavaScript". JavaScript missing and connection missing now show on all pages. the navbar tests have been removed and replaced with an expandable menu. The photos page has been redesigned to no longer scroll, but have arrow buttons.

v0.72 Alpha

Mobile now has the same coloured background as desktop, but solid. no JS alert now shows above every else. There's now a no connection alert. The coloured background is now on every page.

v0.71 Alpha

Service worker now detects when you're online and returns from URL rather than cache.

v0.7 Alpha

Fixed issues with caching. The page now works offline and loads properly online.

v0.6 Alpha

New site design, with a background image! Added an early test of a photo gallery. Added Berlin VR to the homefeed. Removed responsive and offline pages, as the entire site does that. There's now a darkened background under cards on PC and tablet. There's now a global.js file for hiding the JS alert. Pages have moved to subfolders. e.g. "updates.html" becomes "/updates".

v0.5 Alpha

There is now a notification button in JavaScript.

v0.4 Alpha

There is now a manifest.json and a service worker, so that the site is now a PWA. New JavaScript alert on index.html. If JavaScript is disabled on your browser, you'll see the red card on the homescreen.

v0.3 Alpha

There's a new mobile site design, similar to Material Design, for a better user experience.

v0.2 Alpha

Added a JavaScript page.

v0.1 Alpha

Official Release of the site.